Design Documents

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Course Level: GE-492-494, Senior Design Project I & II
Mechanical Engineering Faculty Advisor: Dr. K. Pashin Nikaaien
Computer Science Faculty Advisor: Professor Gordon Jenkins
Students: Michael Carr and Christina Welk

The development and implementation of a unique and aesthetically appealing robotics development platform has had a broad range of benefits. The academic impact alone has spanned virtually every aspect of mechanical engineering and computer science, to such a phenomenal degree that it has become impossible to enumerate just how much we’ve learned. The design process has relied on the extensive use of numerous development tools including finite element analysis, solid modeling, iterative numerical analysis of heat transfer systems, design for six sigma, unified modeling language, software engineering and architecture design, C++, and object oriented programming. The finished unit uses local and remote processing power to combine user and sensor input, making it capable of performing a broad range of tasks. Furthermore, with the capacity for modular expansion, this robot is able to support an almost unlimited range of operating modes and future upgrades.

First Term: Design
Presentation Presentation, Powerpoint file
Title Page Final Report, Title Page
Abstract Final Report, Abstract
Table of Contents Final Report, Table of Contents
Special Thanks Final Report, page 1
Implications of Technology Final Report, page 2-3
ABET Graduate Attributes Final Report, page 4-5
Introduction Final Report, page 6
Concept Final Report, page 7-8
Design for Six Sigma Final Report, page 9-18
Computer Science Design Final Report, page 19-46
Mechanical Engineering Design, Part 1: System Design Final Report, page 47-75
Mechanical Engineering Design, Part 2: FEA Final Report, page 76-118
Mechanical Engineering Design, Part 3: Computer Enclosure Final Report, page 119-121
Mechanical Engineering Design, Part 4: Heat Exchanger Final Report, page 122-129
Mechanical Engineering Design, Part 5: Final Design Final Report, page 130-132
Classes Used Final Report, page 133-134
Updated Six Sigma Documents Final Report, page 135-138
Sponsorship Loss Final Report, page 139-143
Schedule Final Report, page 144-146
Budget Final Report, page 147-150
Conclusions Final Report, page 151
Appendix A: Unified Modeling Language Documents Final Report, page 152-166
Appendix B: Concept Sketches andDesign Iterations Final Report, page 167-188
Appendix C: Time Sheets Final Report, page 189-195
Appendix D: Component Data Sheets Final Report, page 196-240

Second Term: Implimentation
Presentation Presentation, Powerpoint file
Final Report The entire final report

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